Breadcrumb Francis Bacon: The Violence of the Real Francis Bacon: The Violence of the Real <p>K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen</p>, Düsseldorf. 16 September 2006-07 January 2007 Paintings 46-01 Figure Study I, 1945 - 1946 49-08 Study from the Human Body, 1949 49-09 Study for a Portrait, 1949 50-02 Fragment of a Crucifixion, 1950 50-05 'Study after Velázquez', 1950 50-06 Painting, 1950 51-06 Pope II, 1951 52-12 Study of Figure in a Landscape, 1952 52-13 Man Kneeling in Grass, 1952 52-22 'Marching Figures', 1952 52-24 'Crouching Nude', 1952 53-03 Study for a Portrait, 1953 53-13 Study for Portrait VII, 1953 53-27 Sphinx, 1953 54-09 Man in Blue V, 1954 54-13 Study of a Dog, 1954 54-14 Figure with Meat, 1954 55-05 Small Study for Portrait, 1955 55-08 Chimpanzee, 1955 56-10 Figure in Mountain Landscape, 1956 56-11 'Figures in a Landscape', 1956 57-01 Figures in a Landscape, 1956 - 1957 57-02 Study for Figure IV, 1956 - 1957 57-08 Study for the Nurse in the film Battleship Potemkin, 1957 57-14 Study for Portrait of Van Gogh VI, 1957 57-15 Van Gogh in a Landscape, 1957 57-22 Study for Portrait, 1957 58-01 Self-Portrait, 1958 58-06 Lying Figure, 1958 59-06 Lying Figure, 1959 60-04 Walking Figure, 1960 60-19 Nude, 1960 61-04 Paralytic Child Walking on all Fours (from Muybridge), 1961 62-10 Seated Figure on Couch, 1962 63-02 Man and Child, 1963 65-02 After Muybridge - Woman Emptying a Bowl of Water and Paralytic Child on All Fours, 1965 66-06 Study of Isabel Rawsthorne, 1966 66-07 Lying Figure, 1966 67-16 Triptych, 1967 68-05 Portrait of George Dyer in a Mirror, 1968 68-07 Two Studies for a Portrait of George Dyer, 1968 69-14 Second Version of Study for Bullfight No. 1, 1969 69-16 Self-Portrait, 1969 70-10 Triptych, 1970 71-01 Second Version of 'Painting' 1946, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1971 71-02 Lying Figure in a Mirror, 1971 71-09 In Memory of George Dyer, 1971 72-01 Three Studies of Figures on Beds, 1972 72-07 Triptych August 1972, 1972 73-04 Study from the Human Body (Man Turning on Light), 1973 75-01 Two Studies from the Human Body, 1974 - 1975 76-04 Self-Portrait, 1976 77-07 Lying Figure, 1977 79-04 Oedipus, 1979 79-05 Sphinx - Portrait of Muriel Belcher, 1979 79-09 Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1979 81-03 Triptych Inspired by the Oresteia of Aeschylus, 1981 81-06 Study for Self-Portrait, 1981 83-02 Study from the Human Body, 1983 87-01 Triptych 1986 - 7, 1986 - 1987 88-06 Portrait of John Edwards, 1988 90-02 Portrait of Jacques Dupin, 1990 91-02 Triptych, 1991 Load more Publications (ISBN/ISSN: 9780500093351) Francis Bacon: The Violence of the Real (ISBN/ISSN: 3777432350) Francis Bacon: Die Gewalt des Faktischen