Breadcrumb Recent Paintings by Francis Bacon and Frank Auerbach Recent Paintings by Francis Bacon and Frank Auerbach Marlborough Fine Art Ltd, London. 01 December 1977-22 January 1978 Paintings 76-09 Figure Writing Reflected in Mirror, 1976 77-05 Triptych 1974-1977, 1974 - 1977 Load more Publications (ISBN/ISSN: 0007-6287) 'Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: London' (ISBN/ISSN: 0004-3230) 'From London: Some Anglo-Saxon intentions and responses' (ISBN/ISSN: 2041-4404) 'Bacon's contempt' (ISBN/ISSN: 0038-6952) 'Convulsive' (ISBN/ISSN: 0963-1496) 'Corruption of human image' (ISBN/ISSN: 0004-4091) 'Francis Bacon, Frank Auerbach' (ISBN/ISSN: ) 'Group exhibition'