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The literature on Francis Bacon is large and ever expanding. While Bacon has been vividly discussed during his lifetime, after his death the uncovering of sketches by the artist, a rediscovery of paintings previously lost or presumed destroyed, and the reconstruction of his studio in Dublin have prompted a growing number of new studies, articles and exhibitions. Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné, published by The Estate of Francis Bacon in 2016 contains a comprehensive bibliography of writing on the artist, which forms the basis of the present section on The Estate of Francis Bacon is currently in the process of digitising, editing, expanding and updating this bibliography and new entries will be uploaded on a regular basis.

You can filter the entries by publication type, and sort them by authoryear and title. You can find more information on the Francis Bacon Bibliography in our Notes for Users.

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'Name Game: New Look at 'School of London''

Alan Riding, International Herald Tribune, 1995, English

'De damp van mensenbloed'

Sjef Kusters, De Limburger, 1995, Dutch

'De wind komt uit Engeland'

Jan Braet, Knack, 1995, Dutch

'From London, les irréductibles'

Danièle Gillemon, Le Soir, 1995, French

'Viaggio in fondo all'abisso'

Luigi Meneghelli, L'Arena, 1995, Italian

'Londres fait escale à Lausanne'

Etienne Dumont, La Tribune de Genève, 1995, French

'La revanche des maudits'

Françoise Jaunin, 24 Heures, 1995, French

'On sort chaviré de l'exposition. From London'

Hélène Tauvel-Dorsaz, Journal de Genève, 1995, French

'Le réel peint à bras-le-corps'

Mireille Descombes, L'Hebdo, 1995, French

'Der Mensch als Sahara'

Simon Maurer, Tages-Anzeiger, 1995, German

'Il fantasma di Deleuze'

Alberto Boatto, L'Indice dei Libri del Mese, 1995, Italian

'Peinture anglaise'

Albert de Andrés, Scènes Magazine, 1996, French

'Die schmerzliche Verletzlichkeit des Menschen'

Niklaus Oberholzer, Luzerner Zeitung, 1995, German

'Nerviger Blick auf das Sein'

Jost Martin Imbach, Luzerner Neueste Nachrichten, 1995, German

'Sechs figurative Künstler aus London'

Hans Maurer, Badener Tagblatt, 1995, German

'Bacon and Bataille'

Peter Jones, Art Criticism, 1996, English

'Sensazione illustrazione'

Mattia Vinco, Note Mazziane, 1996, Italian

'Variations autour l'homme'

M. G., Le Nouvelliste, 1996, French

'El realismo libertario'

José Antonio Marina, Ajoblanco, 1996, Spanish

'From London'

Luis Macías, Arte y Parte, 1996, Spanish

'Figuraciones a la sombra de Bacon'

Juan Bufill, La Vanguardia, 1996, Spanish

'To Die For'

Simon Blumenfeld, The Stage: Incorporating Television Today, 1996, English

'From London i Britània'

Marta Pessarrodona, Avui, 1996, Catalan

'"From London", el arte con rostro inhumano'

Matías Vallés, Diario de Mallorca, 1996, Spanish

'Bacon, voyeur della realità'

Albert Venturi, Fascino, 1996, Italian

'Bacon: smembramento dell'anima'

Claudia Bocca, Il Venerdi d'Arte, 1996, Italian

'Zwischen Atelier und Gosse'

Anja Lösel, Stern, 1996, German

'Bacon ha ancora carte da giocare'

Roger Bevan, Il Giornale d'Arte, 1996, Italian