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The literature on Francis Bacon is large and ever expanding. While Bacon has been vividly discussed during his lifetime, after his death the uncovering of sketches by the artist, a rediscovery of paintings previously lost or presumed destroyed, and the reconstruction of his studio in Dublin have prompted a growing number of new studies, articles and exhibitions. Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné, published by The Estate of Francis Bacon in 2016 contains a comprehensive bibliography of writing on the artist, which forms the basis of the present section on The Estate of Francis Bacon is currently in the process of digitising, editing, expanding and updating this bibliography and new entries will be uploaded on a regular basis.

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'Bacon: il distruttore'

Gabriele Invernizzi, L'Espresso, 1996, Italian

'Disturbing, Distanced and Distorted'

Sophie Berrebi, The European Magazine, 1996, English

'Bacon très chair'

Jean-Louis Pradel, L’Événement du jeudi, 1996, French

'Bacon: le peintre cannibale'

Christophe Domino, Point de Vue, 1996, French

'Malerei des entsetzten Schreies'

Toni Bailly, Buersche Zeitung, 1996, German

'Bacon: l'orrore dipinto'

Aridea Fezzi Price, Il Giornale, 1996, Italian

'Bacon, cet écorché vif'

Pierre Vavasseur, Le Parisien, 1996, French

'El pintor del horror'

Montse Capdevila, El Periódico, 1996, Spanish

'Les mots de Bacon'

Milan Kundera, Le Nouvel Observateur, 1996, French

'La soledad final de Francis Bacon'

Juan Pedro Quiñonero, ABC, 1996, Spanish

'Francis Bacon: nous coupe toujours le souffle'

Françoise Caries, La Dépêche du Midi, 1996, French

'Non c'è carne senza Bacon'

Flavio Caroli, Il Sole, 1996, Italian

'La passion selon Bacon en 14 stations'

Itzhak Goldberg, Beaux Arts Magazine, 1996, French

'Notes sur Francis Bacon'

David Sylvester, Connaissance des arts, 1996, French

'Konstnär med köttet som motiv'

Emilia Gedda, Konstvärlden, 1996, Swedish

'Des voies nouvelles à la redécouverte'

Dominique Widemann, L'Humanité, 1996, French

'Bacon: à corps et à cris'

Olivier Cena, Télérama, 1996, French

'Fette Schecks für Schrillen'

Annemarie Mahler, Blick, 1996, German

'Francis Bacon: roman d'un jouisseur'

Camille Billiers, Gala, 1996, French

'Das Denkmal steht fest'

Ludmila Vachtova, Die Weltwoche, 1996, German

'Der isolierte und gequälte Mensch'

Roswitha Erbslöh, Handelsblatt, 1996, German

'Schreie gegen die Leinwand'

Amine Haase, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, 1996, German

'Philippe Sollers: Les passions de Francis Bacon'

A. Brohan, La République des Pyrénées, 1996, French

'Bacon: le cri de la chair'

Jean Pierrard, Le Point, 1996, French

'Bacon: cris et déchirements'

Frédérique de Jode, Le Quotidien de Paris, 1996, French

'Archimbaud: 'Bacon était un intellectuel instinctif''

Marie-Angélique Ozanne, Le Quotidien de Paris, 1996, French

'Il genio che ha sconfitto la paura'

Marco Vallora, Lo Specchio, 1996, Italian

'Francis Bacon, le naufragé volontaire'

Bruno Vouters, La Voix d'Aisne, 1996, French

'Le distorsioni dell'anima'

Lorenzo Bocchi, Gazzetta di Parma, 1996, Italian